Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012: Schule und Abschied

Wednesday the 16th of May.

Today, we had to be at 8 o`clock at school and we had to take our suitcases with us. 
We started with Swiss-German lesson given by Duffy and Lisa. It was a lot of fun! 

We found out that Swiss-German is very different from the German we learn at school. 
We began with learning a few Swiss-German sentences. Sentences such as: “Du besch e Souhond.” and: “Gopfredstotz nonemal, s`macht mech 
After learning the Swiss-German sentences, we learnt a Swiss-German song that`s called: “Ewigi Liebi”. I think it means: “Love forever”. 
Later on we`re going to have some lunch with each other at the school Mensa. 
After all this, we have to leave Switzerland and we go to the station of Luzern. We`re going to cry and cry and cry. 
We`ll miss you! We really enjoyed last week and we hope you did so too! We love you guys! And we hope we`ll meet again. 

Thank you! Merci beaucoup! Vielennnn Dank! Auf Wiedersehen! Adé!! Dag! Doeidoei!!

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