Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012: Schule und Abschied

Wednesday the 16th of May.

Today, we had to be at 8 o`clock at school and we had to take our suitcases with us. 
We started with Swiss-German lesson given by Duffy and Lisa. It was a lot of fun! 

We found out that Swiss-German is very different from the German we learn at school. 
We began with learning a few Swiss-German sentences. Sentences such as: “Du besch e Souhond.” and: “Gopfredstotz nonemal, s`macht mech 
After learning the Swiss-German sentences, we learnt a Swiss-German song that`s called: “Ewigi Liebi”. I think it means: “Love forever”. 
Later on we`re going to have some lunch with each other at the school Mensa. 
After all this, we have to leave Switzerland and we go to the station of Luzern. We`re going to cry and cry and cry. 
We`ll miss you! We really enjoyed last week and we hope you did so too! We love you guys! And we hope we`ll meet again. 

Thank you! Merci beaucoup! Vielennnn Dank! Auf Wiedersehen! Adé!! Dag! Doeidoei!!

Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012: Bern


On Tuesday we went to Bern. 
We had to be at the train station at 8:00. So everybody has to get out of bed very early. 
We had a beautiful traintrip through the Emmental and the Entlebuch. It took an hour and a half and then we arrived in Bern.
Bern, the Capital of Switzerland, is also a beautiful city.

We walked to the Bundeshaus, where we took a foto of the whole group.

Then we went to the Museum of History. 
We saw a speciaal exhibition called "Mord und Totschlag". It was an interesting exhibition, with explanations in German and English.
After that we had time to interview Swiss people about their knowledge of Holland.
Of course we also had time to shop or eat something. We had to be at the station at ten past four and we went back by train to Luzern.
In the evening we had a great farewellparty at Daniels place. 
The party was over at half past eleven but we all didn’t sleep till one hour or something because it was our last night here in Switzerland (Luzern).

Montag, 14. Mai 2012: Pilatus

Monday: Climbing the Pilatus (2137m)

Monday we went to the mountain Pilatus.
We had to be at the railway station at 9 o’clock. We went by bus to Krienz. From there we had to walk a few minutes to the gondelstation.
With groups of 4 people we went up to the Pilatus in the Gondels.
Because it was nice weather you could see whole Luzern.

When we arrived at the Pilatus we went to the climbing park. Some people didn’t climb, because they are afraid of heights . The people who did climb, climbed about 2,5 hours.

After the climbing we all had lunch, the Dutch people and 2 Swiss people went up to the top of the Pilatus.
They stayed about 30 min at the top.

While the Swiss people were waiting for the Dutch people who were on the top, they went rodeling. The Dutch people also did that when they were back.
After everybody finished rodeling, including the teachers,

almost everybody walked to the intermediate station from the gondels.

Not everybody walked, because some had to prepare dinner at school or had something else. After everybody arrived at school we had a typical Swiss meal, called Raclette. Everyone liked it very much!!

It was a really nice and successful day !!!
Written by: Marthe,Reinier,Martine

Sonntag, 13. Mai 2012: in den Gastfamilien


On Sunday we all did different things.
Some people went to the traffic museum (Verkehrshaus) and some others went to the caves.
When we went to the museum, some went by boat and others went walking beside the beautiful Vierwaldstädtersee (lake). 
It was really nice weather, a little bit cold but the sun was shining so it was nice...

Verkehrshaus/Traffic museum:

Most people went to the traffic museum. It was really fun because it wasn`t a museum as usual.
You could do things like being the presentator of a news program, control trains, boats, cars, steps, bikes etc., being the pilot of a helicopter /airplane simulator and much more.

Of course there was a lot of information to read but things to do were much more fun!
We also went to the planetarium. It was really really beautiful! (And we learned something xD) For the people who were going to the museum it was a really nice day!

The caves:
Four of our group went to the caves. They walked into the caves and you directly saw beautiful stones. It`s really difficult to explain but the four think it`s really nice to see.

Of course we all had a really nice day!

Samstag, 12. Mai 2012: mit den Gastfamilien

Saturday 12th May 2012

Saturday everyone we all had an individual programm with our exchange student and their family or the others.
So some people went to the Emmencentre and some people went to Basel and Zürich.

We all had a lot of fun even though the weather was horrible it was raining almost the whole day.
Cécile and Enya were lucky, because they went by train to the South of Switzerland (Tessin). They had nice weather, when they visited Domodossola, Locarno and Bellinzona.

In the evening we went to Corina`s place because it was Britts birthday. It was a great party. This was our Saturday in Switzerland!!!

Freitag, 11. Mai 2012: Schule und Stadt Luzern


On Friday morning we first had to go to school for geography- and history lessons. The lessons were quite interesting, most of it we knew from our on classes at our school.

When the lessons were (finally) over we went to computer room to make a report about our first day. 
Then we went to the canteen to eat our lunch. 
It was very different from our lunch, because they eat warm at lunch (like what we eat for dinner) and we normally eat something like a sandwich, that we bring with us from home. 

When everybody was finished eating we went by bus to Luzern. It was around one o’clock and it was already around 30 degrees. 

When we were there we split up in groups and we went to one of the city towers. Going up was very scary (for me) because you couldn’t hold yourself in a good way. But it was worth it because the view was amazing! You could see whole Luzern from up there! Luzern really is a beautiful city!

After the city sightseeing tour that the Swiss gave us, we met each other again at the "Löwengraben".so some of the people could go home and some stayed to go to the lake. 
We ate something in the city and then we went back to the lake were everybody else was coming too. The night was great we had so much fun, we were talking and doing ball games. 

When we were home, we were all very tired because of the walking and being up so late. But that didn’t matter because we had a great second day!

Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012: Ankunft in Luzern

We went to the station at 6:30 and the train was gone at
6.42 and we were in it... :)

Then we started eating.

And it was very fun.

Than at 16:10 we arrived at Luzern
and the exchange partners were there. Then we went
to the school and we ate and the family was there also.

Then we went home and ate a little big an make the rooms
done. After the diner we just hang a little bit around on
the streets and play basketball. Then we go to sleep and
stand up very early, at 6.15. We went to school and got
a lesson geography and history. And now we`re here at
school in the computer room... writing this blog.
Gr. Demian, David and Joost.

Samstag, 28. April: Bye Bye!!!

At 10.45 we had to meet at Ede-Wageningen Railway station.
After saying goodbye, some pictures and some tears, the Swiss took their train and the Dutch waved goodbye.
All of us are looking forward to the Luzern part of the Exchange!!

Freitag, 27. April 2012: Presentations and Farewellparty

In the morning most students, Swiss and Dutch, worked on their film- and fotopresentation about the week.
Then we all met at school and watched the results. We saw some very nice movies and powerpointreports.
The afternoon was filled up with buying souvenirs and preparations for the BQQ farewellparty.
The party was great with the BQQ, singing songs, playing ballgames, jumping the trampoline, campfire and disco.
Anne-Sophie, who had her birthday, got a real birthdaycake.
At the end of the evening, all hostparents came to pick up their Swiss and Dutch kids.
Fortunately, the parents had their own party inside and didn't disturb the students..