Donnerstag, 26. April 2012: Sports at School and Biketrip

In the morning the Swiss people had lessons with other classes and the Dutch people went tot heir own classes.                                         
After that we had a break :))
Then we had sports together. One group of four teams were on one side of the gym, the others on the other side.

One group started with football, the other group with basketball. After one hour they gave us five minutes to rest and then we changed room.
We had lunchtime and at 13.15 we had to go on our bicycle. We cycled with the big group of 45 people to the Mossel, a place in the nature. It was a ride of 45 minutes.
At the Mossel we could order a softdrink or an icecream.
The way back was horrible because there was a lot of wind…!!!
All people went home to have dinner.
At 19.30 everyone was at the “Open Podium” , where Floor and Cécile did a dance and Ensa sang the song Valerie of Amy Winehouse.

Watch the movie about Thursday:


Mittwoch 25. April 2012: Ausflug im Segelboot Muiden - Volendam

On Wednesday we went on a boattrip on the historic Klipper Anna. We sailed from Muiden to Volendam.
At first we met at school wit hall the exchange people and we were waiting for the bus. We were taken by bus to Muiden and it was a long trip because of the traffic. When we arrived in Muiden, we walked to the boat. We were lucky that the weather was quite good and the sun was shining.
When we were all on the boat we could start our trip. Our view was beautiful: we saw the castle Muiderslot and the open water.
We all enjoyed the sun and the boattrip. We took a lot of pictuers, had fun and made a party.
When we arrived at Volendam, we had an hour to shop and do some sightseeing.
Even some of the Dutch people had never been before to Volendam so it was for many peaople the first time in Volendam.
We could eat some fish and/or chips and go to shop or walk through Volendam for must sees.
The time past very quick and we when were on the boat for the trip back to Muiden it began to rain, but the atmosphere was still very nice.
Because of the rain we had to sit inside. People who sat outside became very wet!
During the trip back, we were listening to the music, played games and we were partying on the boat.

So the time flew very fast.
As we were walking back to the bus it was still raining. We all took an umbrella and so we stayed dry.
In the bus the party went on. Some people were sleeping while orthers were playing games.
When we were back at school, everyone was very tired and we were happy to go home.
Most of the people went back by bike. It was a long and very nice day!

Dienstag 24. April 2012: Amsterdam - Kanalfahrt - Rijksmuseum

We had to be at school at 8.30 because the bus to Amsterdam was waiting.
We arrived 2 hours (!) later and we went on a canalboat that took us on a roundtrip. After that, we went into the Rijksmuseum but unfortunately we had to wait really long to actually get in.
and “Het Melkmeisje”of Johannes Vermeer,
we were allowed to go shopping for some hours until 5 o’clock. It was hard to be on time (for some of us). Some of us went home with loads of new stuff. It was a long day and everybody was a bit tired, but some of us went to eat some icecream at Bernardo’s, even though it was a little rainy and freezing outside.

To watch the movie about Amsterdam, copy this link to your browser:

Montag 23. April 2012: Ankunft und Schule

The day began very early for the Swiss students. They had been on the train all night and had to get up before 7 o’clock to get off the first train.
Meanwhile, the Dutsch students arrived at the train station and waited desperately fort heir exchange students. But they missed their train in Arnhem and were runnig late.
Finally the Swiss people arrived to a warm welcome by the Dutch students. They walked together to the the school, the Marnix College. They were fed with sweets and drinks.
Then, the Swiss and the Dutch were separated into different classes. The Dutch students had to attend their normal lessons and the Swiss students had an Arts and a Geography lesson.
For lunch, everybody met in a special area of the cantine.
In the afternoon, Swiss students tried to learn some Dutch language while their exchange partners were still in their normal lessons.
After school, the Swiss people first met with their hostfamilies and saw the houses in which they would be living in for the rest of the week.
The evening was left to the hostfamilies to organize. 
Most Swiss students were rather tired and went to sleep quite early.