Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012: Bern


On Tuesday we went to Bern. 
We had to be at the train station at 8:00. So everybody has to get out of bed very early. 
We had a beautiful traintrip through the Emmental and the Entlebuch. It took an hour and a half and then we arrived in Bern.
Bern, the Capital of Switzerland, is also a beautiful city.

We walked to the Bundeshaus, where we took a foto of the whole group.

Then we went to the Museum of History. 
We saw a speciaal exhibition called "Mord und Totschlag". It was an interesting exhibition, with explanations in German and English.
After that we had time to interview Swiss people about their knowledge of Holland.
Of course we also had time to shop or eat something. We had to be at the station at ten past four and we went back by train to Luzern.
In the evening we had a great farewellparty at Daniels place. 
The party was over at half past eleven but we all didn’t sleep till one hour or something because it was our last night here in Switzerland (Luzern).

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