Montag 23. April 2012: Ankunft und Schule

The day began very early for the Swiss students. They had been on the train all night and had to get up before 7 o’clock to get off the first train.
Meanwhile, the Dutsch students arrived at the train station and waited desperately fort heir exchange students. But they missed their train in Arnhem and were runnig late.
Finally the Swiss people arrived to a warm welcome by the Dutch students. They walked together to the the school, the Marnix College. They were fed with sweets and drinks.
Then, the Swiss and the Dutch were separated into different classes. The Dutch students had to attend their normal lessons and the Swiss students had an Arts and a Geography lesson.
For lunch, everybody met in a special area of the cantine.
In the afternoon, Swiss students tried to learn some Dutch language while their exchange partners were still in their normal lessons.
After school, the Swiss people first met with their hostfamilies and saw the houses in which they would be living in for the rest of the week.
The evening was left to the hostfamilies to organize. 
Most Swiss students were rather tired and went to sleep quite early.

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